Treating People of All Kinds And All Walks of Life
The body heals itself and my role is to help you remove obstacles to the processes that allow this to occur.
Therapies and techniques in complementary medicine that involve touching or manipulating the body
Bodywork is part of a larger holistic umbrella that encompasses massage therapy, but bodywork is more than that. It is more about developing a relationship to the client, getting to know their biomechanics and uncovering the root causes behind physical ailments that could date as far back as birth—and even have an emotional connection.
“Bodywork is a practice—it’s much more than just getting a massage,” session.” In essence, bodywork is like body-talk; it’s a conversation about your body and a willingness to work with your practitioner.
It’s a way to get to know your outer shell, your body, on a deeper level, and discover old sheaths of tension or trauma that had previously been hidden from view. There are innumerable benefits to getting your body worked on, like increased circulation and rest-and-digest activation, which speeds up the body’s natural healing process.
The art of bodywork lies in non-verbal communication, too, you can invite your experienced practitioner’s hands to be led intuitively to the areas of your body that need it most.
“Sometimes it takes having someone else’s hands on your body to even notice that maybe something feels off.”
Treatments Tailored to Your Body
The phenomenon of human touch is at the heart of the healing traditions we work with, yet many take it for granted.
Whether it’s muscular, skeletal, energetic, or otherwise, knowing when someone is in need of touch is an extremely valuable skill.
Understanding Physical Pain
Pain sends a signal that the body needs protection and healing. However, if the physiological changes triggered by pain persist, harm will ensue, and acute pain may become chronic, so pain must be contained and/or relieved. The mechanisms through which pain interacts with the body provide health professionals with various routes of entry and modes of intervention. Bodywork is one of them.

making the intolerable, tolerable.
My clients often find me after trying many options for relief of pain, stress, and tension. With a highly developed sense of intuition and almost 40 years of experience, I can help clients of all ages improve their overall health & well-being. I am grateful to provide hope for those who need it. I work to optimize the healing process and enhance movement and wellbeing for your lifetime.
Body work is readily accepted as an effective form of medicine, helping us humans, combat unhealthy stress and anxiety, while also improving sleep, boosting immunity, increasing mental clarity, easing the effects of some cancer treatments, alleviating headaches, reducing depression, and of course, to simply relax. For real, lasting change, you’ll need to make bodywork part of your regular wellness regimen.